Day 46


Dr. Sunshine

2/16/20231 min read

We had another close call this morning with some promising dynamic morphology in the red end of the light spectrum, but ultimately the clouds were too much for the sun to handle. It is another spring-like morning, which I must admit feels nice even though we haven't had too tough a winter to contend with this year. Once again, the chickens are all over it, and the geese don't know what to do. The geese have a lot of great little rest stops around where we live so we get to catch them on take-off and flying low. They get into formation very quickly and I love to hear the whooshing of their wings beating in sync. I can almost see the vortices of air flowing off their wingtips. But remember, please talk with your doctor before looking up at geese flying directly overhead, or before starting any bird-watching regimen.