Day 42, or Cease and Desist


Dr. Sunshine

2/12/20232 min read

It's a Super Bowl miracle, everyone! Wait, am I allowed to say "Super Bowl"? Let's start over. It's a "Big Game" (wink, wink!) miracle, everyone! What a beautiful sunrise this morning. It was about as close to a Bluebird day as we'll get in these parts. Even better, the sunrise walk is proving to be a little contagious, as Mr. Peanutbutter's neighbor girlfriend and her mom joined us this morning. Nicknames TBA, if they become regulars. Hopefully a few of you out there have been inspired by me to start a sunrise ritual of your own. If you haven't, but would like to, you better get crackin' as that sunrise just keeps getting earlier. Already I am looking to make some schedule adjustments to accommodate the sun.

Speaking of accommodations, I am very lucky I am even able to do this. For starters, I am fortunate that I do not have a commute for work. When I did, it would often be during prime sunrise time. But all is not lost, and a little light is better than none. Stop to take a breath and count to 10 before jumping in your car. When you are driving, open up the windows (and sunroof if you have one). Even if just for a minute or two, crank the heat and get some direct light. Auto glass filters out a bunch of light. Of course it's a little easier when the temperature is in the 30's and sunny, but I did that just this afternoon while driving home. Every little bit counts! Please, talk to your doctor before driving with the windows open.

A beautiful sunrise and a little bit of the moon.

The one problem with PB's girlfriend joining us is of course the boys have to show off, and the cats end up in a tree. They are a little difficult to spot but the peak of the "A" is pointing to one and the vertical of the "k" is pointing to the other. Fortunately, no animals were harmed in the making of this blog post as Little Miss Sunshine was able to coax them down with a song.

And in closing, a demonstration of my new invention, The Bacon Cam (patent pending). For perfect dog photos every time, count on Bacon Cam!